The Only Conversational Commerce Platform to Unlock Higher

Revenue Revenue

Convert on-the-edge site visitors into paying customers by facilitating
1:1 conversions with your existing customers.

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Chit-Chat to Cha-Ching
How Conversational Ecommerce works

How it works arrow

Deploy Your Satisfied Squad.

Invite your stellar customers who've already left positive reviews to join your community and engage with curious shoppers directly on your product pages. Turn your brand's highlight reel into a live, authentic exchange.

Kick things off with an attention grabbing invitation page and an irresistible incentives program. Give them the opportunity to elevate their text reviews with dynamic video.

Iphone mock

Let Your Product Pages Speak.

Install our widget and publish collected videos from your squad right on your product pages. Now, curious shoppers can toss their burning questions directly to your customers, right there on the product page.

Trust us, in a digital world full of algorithms and faceless transactions, nothing says 'Add to Cart' like a face-to-face chat—digitally speaking, of course.

Check our Demo Store

Questions to Conversions, Engage On the Spot.

Curious shoppers ask questions right on your product pages. You approve the query, and it gets sent to your customers for answering. Curious shoppers get the answer, and you're one step closer to a sale!

Check our Demo Store

Features You will love

Deep Analytics
(Coming soon)

Ever wonder what makes your shoppers tick? Or click? Our Deep Analytics gives you the insider scoop. It's like reading your customers' diaries. Just way less creepy.

Mobile Friendly

We get it. You're on the move, and so are your customers. Our widget is as mobile-friendly as a Millennial at a food truck. Swipe, tap, buy! no laptop needed!

Responsive widget
Custom widget

Our widget is like a chameleon. It blends into your site like it was born there. Customize the colors, fonts, and even the shape. Go on, make it yours!

Content formats

Video, text, emojis!oh my! Serve up your conversations in all the flavors of the digital rainbow. Who wants one size fits all?

Content format

Frequently Asked Quetions

What if a customer asks a really off-the-wall question?

No worries! You have full control to moderate questions. If something feels off, you can easily decline it. No oddballs allowed, unless you want them!

Is setting up Peers complicated?

If you can tie your shoes, you can set up Peers. Seriously, it's just a copy and paste of a code snippet. Easier than a Sunday morning and faster than making your morning coffee!

Is Peers a review platform?

No, but we integrate seamlessly with your existing review system. While those reviews offer valuable insights, Peers adds  authentic conversations between your past and potential buyers. We work hand-in-hand with your existing reviews to bring the customer engagement party to a whole new level.

Will adding Peers slow down my website?

Absolutely not! We're built for speed and optimized for performance. Peers adds interactive engagement without sacrificing your site's load time. Keep the conversations flowing and your pages zipping.


Free to install

  • 100 minuets monthly free watch time on your website(Yeah! that's a lot)
  • Unlimited video collection
  • Unlimited AI Enabled video analysis
  • Unlimited Video cation generation

0.05$ per minute

  • 0.05$ per watch time over your monthly free 100 minutes